Tuesday, November 2, 2010

To each his own, To us our town.

Dublin Town
I have walked the streets
Where young men died in vain
I have climbed the great Dublin hills
And looked down on everyone.
Seen a city still striving towards the light
- People still dying to make ends meet.
Where to this day your paper reads
A world of class division. Yet still
Between the smokestacks and canals
No Right Rose Tree ever
Bade her beauty bloom.

A Song Can Do So Much
Now lost to concrete dim
There rings a song in times gone grim.
A song of faith for doubtful dreamers
Dreading darkness, drinking doubles
Lost in life’s complexities.
Gone the days of beauty bare
Nor path, nor light to lead us there
Gone the nights of wanton lust
Buried deep without a care.
Now on this never ending path
A group of dreamers stand
Their dreams long worn, near gone
The darkness cut by a singer’s song.

Pilgrimage Most Holy
Pilgrimage most holy
For the spirits least divine,
We smoke the grass and drink the mud
And take our chips with wine.

So take a glass and raise it high
Lets make a toast a cheer
- to us, to them, and festivals my dear

A Dream for the Future
I want to be shot in the nip
And be buried in a bowler hat
With my brazen head to heaven
And my bollocks to himself.

I want to ride the sunshine
And felate the passing cars,
To rape the star-crossed lovers
And whistle like the wind.

I want to be a winner and
wear medals on my toes,
to be the morning golden
and the amber hue of stars

I wish I was an icecap
Or a grain of desert sand
I want to salt the sea
To grow the wheat.

To swim to fly and pollinate.

I want to be your saviour
Then wind the world again
I want to save mankind
And wind the world again.

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